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About Us



Honus Capital is a Hands-On Investment Fund for Entrepreneurs

Founded On Values

Fred and Meghan both came to Las Vegas and were a large part of Zappos’ success.   Fred was the original “shoe guy” of Zappos; starting from a small two bedroom apartment in San Francisco to helping the company grow into a billion dollar brand.  Meghan was a lead buyer for Zappos before starting a fashion incubator, Stitch Factory, which supported emerging designers and the overall growth of the fashion community in Las Vegas.  Today, both are Co-CEO’s of a top handcrafted Italian shoe brand, Ross & Snow, and are also still actively engaged in many of the other Honus Capital brands.

All of the businesses we work with have something in common:

VISIONThey have a vision that is bigger than themselves. Their main purpose isn’t the money. They are passionate about building something and are willing to work without compensation to see it come true

FOCUS ON CUSTOMER Customers come first, always!  Customers are so hard to come by; there is so much competition; you have to prioritize customer service.  

COMPANY CULTURE. Happy, engaged employees are key.  Happy employees make happy customers. Company culture is the #1 priority. 

Your Next Big Idea

Honus Capital is dedicated to helping you on your pursuit of passion. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your next big idea.